Can Eating a Healthy Diet Help Obesity?

The No. 1 health threat facing Americans today is obesity. Obesity simply means having too much body fat. This is a dangerous condition as it can lead to heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer and other diseases. Overeating, lack of exercise, heredity, lifestyle and even depression can contribute to obesity. Eating healthful foods while getting plenty of exercise and rest can help offset, and even combat, this condition.
  1. Considerations

    • When you consume more calories than you can use, you gain weight. Consistently eating prepared foods, fast foods and foods that are high in carbohydrates and fat will cause you to put on weight.


    • You can lose weight by regularly eating healthful foods in reasonable portions and by becoming more active. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals and also help flush body systems.

    Eliminate Cravings

    • Adding certain herbs to your diet can serve as a reducing aid. These herbs can help eliminate cravings for unhealthful foods. Bitter orange, green tea leaves, vanilla and the African hoodia are a few herbs recommended for reducing appetite.

    Water's Benefits

    • Drinking plenty of fresh, clean water is a vital part of a healthy diet. Water helps maintain good muscle tone and helps to keep body fluids in balance. Adequate water intake also helps to prevent skin from sagging, a condition that often accompanies weight loss.

    Nuts and Seeds

    • Nuts and seeds added to the diet can help provide energy as well as nutrition. Nuts and seeds can also help curb appetite and, when regularly consumed instead of unhealthful snacks, can keep the digestive system from being overworked. Stable body systems can help contribute to good rest, an important component to good health and weight loss.

    Healthful Foods

    • Focus on healthful foods, not diet foods. Diet foods often lack nutrients as well as calories. Becoming malnourished will cause you to crave more food, and, eventually, put on more weight.

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