Cures for High Triglycerides
Triglycerides are the most common form of fat in a person's body. Your body uses the the calories in the food you eat as energy, and the rest of the calories you do not use are turned into triglycerides. Those triglycerides can be later used as energy when they are needed, but if they are not used, they can begin to accumulate. Eating more calories than you burn will result in having high triglycerides. This results in being overweight, and eventually obesity will set in. They are measured when your cholesterol is measured, with normal triglyceride levels near 150 and below. Once your triglyceride levels reach 180 and above, you have what is considered a high triglyceride count.
Along with over-eating, there are many other things can lead to high triglycerides. Alcoholics tend to have very high triglyceride counts, so drink in moderation. Hypothyroidism, where your thyroid doesn't work as hard as it needs to, is another cause. Kidney disease and mismanaged diabetes can also lead to high triglycerides. Along with these conditions, there are a few medications that can cause high triglycerides. These consist of birth control pills, steroids, tamoxifen, beta-blockers, diuretics and estrogen.
The best way to lower your triglycerides is to lose weight and become more active. Eat foods with a low fat content and only when you need to and get your heart beating quicker by doing cardiovascular exercises like walking, running and cycling. If this does not lower your triglycerides, taking nicotinic acid pills will help. If your doctor sees your high triglyceride count as a threat, he will prescribe these to you.