How Is Hypnosis Used for Weight Loss?
Within the mind of each individual is a picture of how she sees herself. Behavior is automatically congruent with her internal self-image. People who picture themselves as "fat" will, unconsciously, reinforce behavior that encourages that reality. Hypnosis works to bring the picture into conscious awareness and modify it to fit the person's ideals.
Emotional Eating
Sometimes a person learns to associate eating with some desired emotion. Hypnosis can uncover the underlying emotional need and find constructive ways of filling it.
Unconscious Eating
When your attention is absorbed into the television or a movie, it's possible to eat in a trancelike manner, oblivious to how much is actually being consumed. A posthypnotic reminder can bring snacking into conscious awareness, allowing you to set reasonable limits.
Staying Motivated
Motivation is a habit. The inspiration to get fit can easily fade, as normal routine overcomes resolution-day passion. Hypnosis can set a trigger that will reignite that initial motivation on a daily basis.
Eating Healthy
Some people have learned to associate good eating habits with thoughts of deprivation. With hypnotic repatterning, you can reframe the idea of healthy eating into a more useful perspective for weight loss success.