How to Shrink Your Stomach After Gastric Bypass Surgery
Drink your meals for a few weeks after gastric bypass surgery. You will need to fill up on nutritious drinks such as vegetable cocktails or fruit smoothies. You can mix vegetable and fruit drinks using a blender or juicer. Stay away from high-calorie drinks that might contribute to weight gain such as soda or milkshakes. In addition, avoid gassy foods like beans and cabbage that may expand the stomach.
Eat smaller amounts of food in order to allow your stomach to become accustomed to less stretching. After gastric bypass you should feel full after consuming 2 to 4 tablespoons of food.
Wait for 30 minutes after a small meal to eat anything else. When you eat, your stomach expands to accommodate food consumption. If you put less in, it will adjust and contract back to a smaller size.
Drink fluids when you feel hungry to fill your stomach before eating to avoid overeating. Listen to your body signals. If your body tells you that you have had enough, stop eating.
Put food on smaller plates and make it appear appetizing. Chew each bite thoroughly so that you give your stomach time to digest before adding more food. The more full you feel, the less likely you will be to overeat. Eating less food will help your stomach to contract back to normal size more quickly after a meal.
Fill up on small amounts of food throughout the day. If you eat small portions often, you will not be hungry and the stomach might never fully expand. In addition, eating more often will keep the metabolism working constantly to digest the food, thereby increasing your metabolic level and burning fat.
Consume more protein and less carbohydrates. Protein is more difficult to digest and will make you feel fuller longer. Carbohydrates can expand in the stomach and cause it to stretch to accommodate.