Herbal Treatment for Obesity
Beneficial Herbs
Suggested doses of herbs and pharmaceutical agents are based on one of their most important pharmacological properties, therapeutic range. Therapeutic range is the smallest dose that provides any medicinal effect to the largest dose safe for consumption. Generally, herbs are non-toxic and overdose or serious complications are unlikely. However, stick to suggested amounts as taking more is not likely to produce additional benefit and negative side effects could occur.
Take aloe vera juice as directed on the label. It improves digestion and cleans the digestive track. Astragalus improves energy and the absorption of nutrients. Use capsules or tincture as directed on the label. Garcinia cambogia prevents fatty acids from converting to stored body fat. Take as directed on the label. Mate tea stimulates the central nervous system which increases calorie burning. Wild angelica stops weight gain caused by too much insulin. Take 500-1, Dandelion is a gentle diuretic. Take 10 to 15 drops in ¼ cup of water three times daily on an empty stomach. There are two traditional Chinese medicine formulas that are helpful for weight loss. Ledebouriella Powder that Sagely Unblocks can help reduce percentage of body fat and total weight. Major Bupleurum Decoction can lower cholesterol.
Other Suggestions
Eat foods that are minimally processed and high in fiber. Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. This combination can produce feelings of fullness that will last several hours. Focus on "low energy density" foods. The lowest ones are fresh foods with minimal processing that do not require cooking. These foods are bulkier and more satisfying. Stevia is a natural alternative to sweeteners like saccharin and aspartame.