Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat
More than even exercise, one's diet can lead to a flat stomach--or a huge, overhanging bulge. The choice really is up to the eater. Today's grocery store shelves make it difficult not to indulge in junk foods or processed foods, but if one is serious about losing belly fat, avoiding junk food is an absolute must. Avoid high levels of sugar. Avoid caffeine. Eat fruits, vegetables, and other natural foods that are high in nutrients, minerals, vitamins and fiber. This will keep your blood-sugar levels stable and help you master your hunger--the exact opposite of what junk food does.
Those serious about losing belly fat will also get serious about exercise. This might involve running or jogging, fast walking or some other workout that lasts at least 30 minutes. Exercising in the morning, first thing before breakfast, can get your metabolism going--and tends to keep one active and full of energy throughout the day. Of course, exercising every day is best, but getting in a workout at least four times a week is essential.
We've discussed eating, but what about drinking? Two keys connected with drinking are vitally important when it comes to losing belly fat. First, avoid alcohol. Besides the fact that it damages your liver, alcohol tends to increase one's appetite, is high in calories and messes with your blood-sugar levels. Second, drink lots of water. The more water one drinks, the more one's body gets rid of it--thus avoiding water retention. As your body releases water, it also sheds pounds, so drink at least eight cups of water each and every day.
Get a good night's sleep. Sounds simple, but it can have a profound effect on your efforts to lose that annoying belly fat. More important than the amount of sleep, though, is the quality of that sleep. Don't fall asleep to the TV, turn off all of the lights and do whatever else you need to in order to ensure a completely restful slumber. Even if you can't get eight hours, you can still get a great sleep. Feeling rested reduces hunger, helps your body's immune system (which leads to increased fitness), and, most importantly, keeps you energized and active during the day.
Try not to get so stressed out! Stress leads to the release of the hormone cortisol, which has been scientifically linked to weight gain. Stress can lead to a whole host of behaviors that hinder the loss of belly fat--such as overeating, bad sleep and a general feeling of tiredness. Each of these, obviously, is counter-productive to losing that belly fat--so find a good stress reliever (for some, this is exercise) that works for you and do it regularly.