Abdominal Obesity Treatment
Physical Activity
The best way to reduce abdominal fat is with exercise. Experts at Harvard suggest getting between 30 and 60 minutes of moderate exercise on a regular basis. Strength training with weights can help fight belly fat as well. Fitness experts are always looking for ways to help people shed pounds. Researchers at the Artesis University College and the University of Antwerp in Belgium think they are on to something. After studying a group of women with abdominal fat for one year, those who used vibration plate exercise machines and exercised normally, maintained a five-percent weight loss---enough, says the study author, to improve health.
You've heard that diet and exercise can help you lose weight. How about tea and exercise? One study published in the Journal of Nutrition looked at the influence of anti-oxidant rich green tea combined with exercise on abdominal weight loss. At the conclusion of the study, weight loss in the belly was greater in the group that exercised regularly and consumed green tea compared to the group that had only exercised. The results suggest that consuming green tea fortified with anti-oxidants can improve exercise-induced abdominal weight loss.
A healthy diet is key in losing weight. Unhealthy eating habits promote belly fat like nothing else. Limit foods high in saturated fat, and eat more vegetables, fish, poultry and low-fat dairy foods. Cook with moderate amounts of olive or canola oil instead of butter and margarine. Reading nutrition labels is the first line of defense against eating foods high in calories, fats and sugar. Reduce simple carbohydrate intake like white bread and refined pasta. Fruits and vegetables are complex carbohydrates that keep you feeling fuller longer and are low in calories. Finally, limiting portion size will instantly make a difference in any weight-loss plan.
For those who struggle to lose weight and have weight-related health problems, medication may be helpful. A study presented at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes' annual meeting showed that the investigational obesity drug rimonabant significantly reduced the fat that surrounds vital organs like the liver and pancreas.
Medical Intervention
For those who have tried but cannot shed the pounds, bariatric surgery may help. Gastric bypass surgery --- one type of bariatric surgery --- changes the anatomy of the digestive system. It limits the amount of food a person can consume and digest. This surgery, however, can be dangerous. Doctors will carefully screen surgery candidates to determine if they are healthy enough to undergo the rigors of this procedure.