About Tenuate for Weight Loss
Tenuate is a stimulant. It stimulates the nervous system, which then increases blood pressure and heart rate. By doing this, Tenuate decreases your appetite, which can help you control your cravings. This is a sympathomimetic amine, which is closely related to amphetamines.
Tenuate comes in either an extended release tablet or a regular strength tablet. The regular strength Tenuate tablet is taken three times a day about an hour before each meal. The extended release tablet is taken only once per day. This should be swallowed before breakfast and will work for the rest of the day. The extended release Tenuate tablet is best for those with busy schedules.
Weight Loss
One of the biggest factors in obesity is overeating. Sufferers eat way more than they should. Tenuate helps by suppressing the appetite. It causes the patient to feel full and lose the desire to overeat. Using Tenuate alone without any other weight loss methods likely won't help. Instead, according to Drugs.com, Tenuate should be taken in conjunction with a healthy diet and a regular exercise routine.
Tenuate is highly addictive. The longer a patient takes the medication, the harder it can be for her to stop. Because of this, most doctors will prescribe it only for short-term use. It is addictive both physically and psychologically. Because of this, it's inadvisable to suddenly cease taking the medication since this can cause serious withdrawal symptoms. Those with addictive tendencies or a history of drug or alcohol abuse shouldn't take Tenuate.
Since Tenuate raises blood pressure, those who already have high blood pressure can't take this medication. Those with glaucoma and arteriosclerosis can't take Tenuate as well.
Side Effects
Some patients develop an allergic reaction while taking Tenuate. These side effects include a restricted airway, trouble breathing and swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat. Tenuate can also cause an unhealthily high blood pressure and irregular heartbeat that causes severe headaches and blurred vision. In some extreme cases, those taking Tenuate also experience hallucinations, confusion and changes in behavior. Some minor side effects of Tenuate include tremors, anxiety, insomnia and intestinal discomfort.