How to Stop Being Lazy
Things You'll Need
- You
ADMIT that you are lazy. Much like any recovery program, the first step here is admitting that there is a problem. If you can't come to terms with it, you won't make any effort to change it. However, you don't have to experience any public humiliation. You can keep this to yourself. Nobody has to know that you're even THINKING about it, let alone trying to change your lazy habits.
STOP delegating. Lazy people like to delegate. A lot. You want that remote? Get up and get it yourself. You really want that pizza for dinner? Walk your feets to your car and go pick it up! Convenience has become a GIGANTIC selling point in the US because of laziness. Why keep lining Madison Avenue pockets when you could be lining your own?
Take a look in the mirror. Who is that? THAT is the person who is solely responsible for your successes and failures in life. Wave. Get acquainted. When you start taking responsibility for your own choices and behaviors, and stop blaming others for where you are or are not, then you can begin to attack laziness at its core.
Make a plan. Write out the things about you that are lazy, in every category of your life-health, diet, work, home, family. Evaluate just how much life you are wasting by being lazy. Notice how many things you are missing out on by living a sedentary lifestyle. Once you've looked at it all-the good, the bad and the downright ugly-then decide which aspects of your laziness you want to eliminate first. Make a priority list.
You didn't get lazy over night, and you're not going to make a complete turnaround by morning either. Sometimes, when something is really tough to do, you may have to sneak up on it to get it done. Change some little things first. Let the momentum build....get that snowball effect going. To stop being lazy is to start living life to its fullest potential. Sure, it may take time-those old habits are definitely the hardest to break. This isn't an easy feat. Laziness is comfortable. It's a security blanket that keeps you safe from hurt and rejection; however, continuing to be lazy means you are cheating yourself out of the one and only life you have.