How to Reduce High Triglycerides
Maintain an active lifestyle and healthy weight. Often times, persons who deal with elevated triglyceride levels don’t have a regular workout routine. In many instances, these persons are slightly overweight. An active lifestyle is one of the easiest ways to quickly reduce high triglycerides. Resolve to workout at least three times a week for 30 minutes. Ideal workout routines include jogging, walking and aerobics.
Eat a low-fat diet. Because triglycerides are found in fatty foods, persons who need to reduce their levels ought to eat a low-fat diet. Fat is commonly found in oils, meats and dairy products. Pay attention to labels. Eat lean meats and choose foods with low saturated and trans fat.
Consume more fiber and fish. High-fiber foods such as vegetables, fruits and grains are healthy alternatives to fatty foods. Also, baked or broiled fish has less fat and can help reduce triglyceride levels.
Reduce sugar intake. Foods that contain a lot of sugar such as soda, candy and other unhealthy snacks can increase triglycerides.
Closely monitor alcohol intake. There’s nothing wrong with drinking alcoholic beverages. However, persons who deal with high triglycerides need to stop drinking alcohol or limit themselves to one alcoholic beverage a day.