How to Reduce Your Risk of Obesity
Avoid Certain Foods
Avoid excessive consumption of fatty foods. Foods that taste really good (almost to the point of sinfulness) are probably loaded with fats and other unhealthy ingredients. People generally eat these foods because they taste good and they are quick to prepare. Foods that you should avoid on a regular basis include anything fried; foods with hydrogenated oils; chips and other snack foods. It is recommended that you keep these foods to a minimum in order to reduce your chances of obesity.
Watch your sugar and carb intake. This is perhaps the section of nutrition that people disregard most often. Some people are lured into thinking that just because a food doesn't have fat in it, it won't make them gain weight. Foods without fat or that are low in fat tend to be higher in carbs and sugars. It is recommended that you have the suggested serving of breads and grains each day (try to avoid too many sugars and white breads) and no more than the recommended amount because the unused portion of these foods can store as fat in your body.
Avoid eating late at night. Eating late at night (especially foods that aren't healthy) can contribute to weight gain. The rule is that you can have all you want to eat before the hours of 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. (or one or two hours before bed since a large percentage of people go to bed between the hours of 9-11 p.m.) It is recommended that you avoid junk foods after dark to avoid unnecessary weight gain.