How to Start a Weight Loss Support Group
Look for members in your group of friends and families. Ask around and let people know you want to start a support group. Once people spread the word then you will have others looking for you in order to join.
Post a notice on the Internet in a local forum or put up flyers around town. Invite total strangers to join your support group and you'll be surprised at the responses you get. Many people would rather join a group where they don't know anyone so they don't feel embarrassed.
Hold your meetings in a public place so that you and others won't feel afraid to show up. The local library is a good place to start, they will usually let you use a conference room if you ask them and if they have one available.
Serve only healthy foods at your meeting. Sugar-free drinks and refreshments will be motivational and popular among the group.
Start your meetings by having a "weigh-in." Make sure each weigh-in is in a private place away from the rest of the group so that members can have their privacy. Let each person know that they don't have to weigh in if they don't want to. Make it their choice as to how they would like to participate in the group.
Talk about frustrations and concerns you have with your diet and weight. Let each person vent and allow others to offer support and answers to them. Give each person a chance that wants to talk and make sure only one person talks at a time in order to keep the meetings organized.