How to Lose and Gain Weight Like Janet Jackson
Exercise like an athlete. Janet is described as working out like a professional athlete, full of determination and stamina as she keeps going long after her workout is over. She handles her workouts just as she handles her career, with attitude and strength resulting in the body she loves to show off in low cut tight outfits.
Stay busy. Janet first lost weight in the beginning of her career by going on her Rhythm Nation Tour. Afterward, she showed off her new body in the video "Love Will Never Do (Without You)." If you dance like a maniac for two hours straight, you'll be sure to lose the weight like Janet did.
Keep focused and push yourself. Janet has admitted to Us magazine that she doesn't like working out and has to push herself to do it. She also said that she has to be careful not to party too much with her dancers because they like to drink and that can ruin her diet.
Eat more calories than you burn during the day to gain weight. This is exactly what Janet did; basically she ate and then sat around during the years she gained weight for movie roles. Most people who are overweight do this; they eat more than they burn off during the day.
Buy anything and everything under the sun. This was also a problem for Janet, which caused her to gain an excessive amount of weight. She bought anything she wanted from chocolate covered strawberries to potato chips. You name it, she reportedly bought and then ate it all. But she has since lost the weight again (following the routine detailed in Steps 1 through 3) for the release of a 2008 CD.