How to Diagnose Obesity
There may come a point in your life where you will want to determine if you are simply overweight or categorized as obese. There is a distinct difference between the two. Being overweight is a burden many Americans carry, but obesity is a disease that can have significant health complications if not treated quickly. The methods for making that determination can be done painlessly and effortlessly in the comfort of your own home.Things You'll Need
- Height/weight chart
- Body fat calipers
- Bioelectrical impendence machine
- BMI chart
Diagnose Obesity
Use a simple weight/height chart. Find your weight and height on a chart that can easily be found at or at a health club (see Resources below). Determine where you are on the chart, for example-large, medium or small frame.
Diagnose yourself as underweight, normal, overweight or obese depending on your weight and height. Typically, 20 percent over your ideal weight is considered obese.
Find your BMI (body mass index). This is similar to the height/weight chart except that it represents a number instead of a weight. This number is your BMI. A BMI over 30 is cause for concern and can place you in an obesity category. You can find a BMI chart at HealthAtoZ or at a health club (see Resources below).
Get a pair of body fat calipers. This equipment measures body fat on different parts of the body. Special computations show body fat on different measurements of skin fold thickness. Typical measurement locations on the body used to diagnose obesity are on the triceps, hip and thigh. Individuals may also purchase this item for a minimal cost.
Purchase a bioelectrical impendence machine, or BIA. This machine sends electrical currents painlessly through the body to weight each kind of tissue. The amount of muscle and other lean tissue as well as fat and water are calculated. The more fat you have, the more resistance the electrical current will encounter and signal back. The BIA is the most accurate and can be purchased easily or used through a health club or gym.