How to Create Your Own Rotation Diet

The Rotation Diet was originally created in 1987 by Dr. Martin Katahn. The diet is based on a weekly rotation of calorie consumption. You follow a restricted calorie diet for three weeks, and then on the fourth week you are allowed to eat what you want, within reason. According to Weight Loss Central online, Katahn argues it works because people grow tired of eating the same foods every day, and the week off alleviates such boredom as well as the stress caused by constant dieting. The Rotation Diet can be retooled to cater to your specific tastes and preferences.

Things You'll Need

  • Calendar
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Computer access
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    • 1

      Fill your allowed calorie intake for each day of the diet on a wall calendar. This will allow you to follow the diet without having to stop and figure out what day it is and what you're allowed to eat that day. If you plan it all out in advance, you won't have to worry about making a mistake while following the diet. You should fill in the calendar two or three months at a time since months are not comprised of perfect four-week blocks.

    • 2

      Make a list of foods you will eat while on your diet. This list should contain foods that you are willing to eat, you know how to cook and you can afford to buy. Once you have a large list of foods, look up the calorie content of each item, and write the calories next to the item on your list. If you come across an item that has way too may calories, you should consider removing it from your list as opposed to trying to fit it in.

    • 3

      Make a list of what you will eat on each day of your diet using the master food list. Having food lists prepared ahead of time will enable you to eat without having to record everything you consume, figure out calories throughout the day, or worry about whether or not you went over your calorie intake for the day. When you are hungry or struggling on a diet, having to stop and think and figure things out as you go will increase your risk of making a mistake. The more prepared you are prior to starting the diet, the more likely you will be to succeed.

    • 4

      Create a shopping list and go shopping. One of the keys to success on the rotation diet is to have the needed foods readily available. If you are forced to run to a store prior to eating, you will be more likely to go off the diet. It is also important to buy lots of fresh produce. Fresh vegetables can be eaten in unlimited quantities on The Rotation Diet, as well as most fresh fruits.

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