How to Identify Factors Contributing to Excess Weight Gain
Explore the exact nature of your weight gain, and consider any obvious causes. If, for instance, you have gained a pound or two over the last few years, this may be just because you have taken your eyes off the scale and perhaps performed a little less exercise. On the other hand, if your weight gain has been more extreme or over a short time, you should consult your physician.
Look at any changes in your lifestyle. A common cause for weight gain is a change from an active job to a sedentary job. People often continue consuming the same amount of calories, not allowing for the effects of burning off much less energy. It is also typical to gain weight if you have been depressed or have suffered a job loss or relationship breakup. It is easy to comfort eat while watching TV in the evenings.
Look for any other changes to your health or your body. You may feel tired and lethargic because of an under-active thyroid, which is characterized by weight gain. It is also wise to consult your doctor if you notice any swelling in any part of your body, or if you have any other symptoms, such as passing urine frequently. Some medication, such as antidepressants or steroids, may also cause you to gain weight. Do not stop taking any prescribed medication without discussing it with your physician.