Is There a Way to Tighten the Excess Skin You Get From Dramatic Weight Loss?
Perform exercises that tighten the areas of your body with loose skin as much as possible before undergoing medical procedures. Some common areas with loose skin after dramatic weight loss include the waist, stomach, upper back, thighs, knees, buttocks and arms.
Undergo laser treatments. These can be administered by a dermatologist, plastic surgeon or skin treatment center. As your skin recovers from the laser treatment, it will produce more collagen, which naturally tightens your skin.
Consider the possibility of body contouring. This is basically a type of plastic surgery that involves actually removing the excess skin along specific points.
Discuss the option of liposuction. Liposuction involves removing fat from beneath the skin to improve its appearance, and it often goes along with body contouring surgeries to help remove as much excess skin as possible.