How Can a 12 Year Old Burn Body Fat?
Things You'll Need
- Healthy foods
- Water
- Juice
- Milk
Losing Body Fat
Cut back on all sugary drinks such as soda and energy drinks. Replace them with 4 to 6 oz. of juice per day, along with water and milk. Fruit juice comes with many vitamins and nutrients, along with pulp, which makes you feel more full and eat less as a result. Water makes your metabolism burn calories 3 percent faster, preventing overeating and promoting weight loss. A scientific study published in the "Obesity Research Journal" showed that drinking three 8-oz. glasses of fat-free milk daily helps people lose more weight than people who don't drink milk.
Eat less sugary and fattening foods such as potato chips and hamburgers. Incorporate more foods such as eggs, beans and salad into your diet. Eggs are filled with protein, making you feel fuller much longer than fried chicken. Protein can also help prevent blood-sugar spikes, which can induce food cravings. Beans contain cholecystokinin, a digestive hormone which naturally suppresses appetite. Beans also keep blood pressure at bay and can lower cholesterol. Salad helps control calorie intake. A study performed by the "Journal of the American Dietetic Association" found that people who eat at least one salad a day with dressing also have higher levels of Vitamin C and E, folic acid and lycopene-all anti-disease agents.
Participate in sports such as basketball and swimming. Try running to burn calories. Start out by doing one-mile jogs or brisk walks for 10 to 15 minutes every day. Increase your mileage as your body begins to feel more comfortable while moving. Running or walking only one mile burns 100 calories. Ask your parents if you can join a weight-loss program for kids or start going to the gym with them, if they go regularly.