What Is Non Shivering Thermogenesis?
Brown Fat
Brown fat consists of tissue that ranges from dark red to tan in color, depending on how much fat it contains. Brown fat has a rich supply of blood as well as nerves, unlike white fat, according to Laura Austgen and R. Bowen, veterinarians at Colorado State University.
Newborn animals have the greatest percentage of brown fat. Human babies have a body weight consisting of up to 5 per cent of brown fat to help keep them warm. This percentage decreases with age, according to Austgen and Bowen.
BMI and Brown Fat
Brown fat in human adults is located mostly above the collar bone and in the lower neck. Research in this tissue has been active because its role in non-shivering thermogenesis may be important in maintaining a lower body mass index or BMI. High BMI or obesity has been associated with lower brown fat levels, according to Austgen and Bowen.