How to Pick a Specialist for Treating OCD
Consult your primary physician. She will be able to provide you with a list of qualified OCD therapy specialists. Your job will be to narrow down the list and find the one who is right for you.
Look for experience. You will want to see a specialist who has worked with many OCD clients and has lots of experience. A good rule of thumb is to see a therapist whose OCD clients make up 25 percent of his practice.
Ask questions. You will need to find a specialist who uses behavioral or cognitive-behavioral treatment therapy. These are the most effective types of treatment for OCD, so look for a therapist who is familiar with them.
Try exposure and response prevention therapy (ERP). In this therapy, the specialist exposes her patient to the situation that triggers the compulsive behavior and then helps the client avoid the usual compulsive response.
Take field trips. Your therapist must be willing to travel to the places that trigger an OCD response. Some people have worse symptoms at home, at work or in public places -- you need to be able to work on the compulsive response in these stressful settings.
Trust your instincts. When you have met with several therapists and had them answer your questions, chose the one you feel most comfortable with. Expect to spend 2 or 3 sessions answering questions for your specialist so she can learn the best way to treat your OCD.