How to Use Medications to Treat OCD
Use Medications to Treat OCD
Visit a psychiatrist. Psychiatrists are specifically trained to know just what medications to use in the treatment of OCD.
Get a prescription for a serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SRI). These are the medications of first choice in the treatment of OCD. SRI drugs include ****, Luvox and Prozac.
Try an opioid drug. Opioids such as ****, **** and Darvocet have demonstrated effectiveness in treating OCD. These may be good drugs to try if serotonin reuptake inhibitors do not help you.
Take inositol. This is a natural sugar that is found in high fiber products. Recent studies have shown inositol to have a positive effect in reducing symptoms of OCD.
Give St. Johns Wort a try. Though the evidence for its effectiveness as a treatment for OCD is purely anecdotal, many OCD sufferers have claimed it worked for them. If all else fails to adequately treat your OCD, St. Johns Wort may be an option for you.