How to Find Out if I am a Pack Rat
Take a good look at the living space in your house. There is a difference between collecting "stuff" and having clutter. If everything has a place, but there is really too much of it, you are a pack rat. If clutter is everywhere and placed on every flat surface with no rhyme or reason, you could potentially have a hoarding problem.
Ask yourself how the clutter in your house makes you feel. A mild sense of uneasiness when thinking about all the collections you have is generally a symptom of a pack rat; hoarders are often quite comfortable when surrounded by all their belongings.
Think about how the stuff in your house affects your daily life. If drawers, closets and storage areas are full, but the multitude of items does not bother day-to-day household functions, you are most likely a pack rat. When the clutter around the house keeps you from finding anything, completing daily activities or even sitting on the couch, however, you may have a problem that is more serious.