How to Curb Pica Eating
Eat a nutritional, balanced diet. Pica cravings might arise because of malnutrition, so visit a physician to be examined for possible nutritional deficiencies. You might need to take vitamin supplements on top of eating well.
Speak to a physician about possible mental illness because depression and anxiety can lead some people toward pica. Medications to treat these disorders might help with cravings as well.
Visit a therapist who can help you deal with emotional issues that might be troubling you. Stress, crises and general disruption in life can contribute to pica.
Plan a course of behavioral therapy with your therapist. Behavioral therapy involves rewarding yourself for healthy choices as well as experiencing negative consequences for unhealthy choices. For instance, a parent whose child has pica might sit the child in "time out" for trying to eat foreign substances. This parent also might reward the child with praise and a sticker for eating a healthful snack.
Enlist a support system. If you feel cravings for non-food items, call someone you can trust. This person might be able to help you find the strength the resist those cravings.