Why Is Nail Biting Bad for You?
Nail biting is the act of biting your fingernails compulsively, and is considered a nervous and bad habit due to anxiety.
Nail biting is recognized as a result of nervousness, stress, hunger or boredom, all of which are products of anxiety. This habit falls into oral fixation, and can be a sign of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Nail biting can increase the risk of infection around the nail bed (the area underneath the nail) and/or warts around the nail bed. This habit can also increase the risk of spreading cold-causing bacteria between the nails and mouth, cuticle bleeding, nail deformation, and even dental problems, such as infections to your gums.
Curing nail biting could be a matter of finding the willpower to stop. One trick to help in this battle is by putting a rubber band around your wrist, or tying a string around your fingers to remind you about your commitment to not bite your nails. Another is to put band-aids around all your fingertips to prevent you from biting them.
You can prevent nail biting by applying nail polish or anti-nail biting creams, like Control-It!, which make your nails taste bitter. If nail biting is caused by anxiety, ask a doctor if certain anti-depressants for nail biting, like fluoxetine and setraline, are right for you.