How to Identify Symptoms of OCD in Children
Things You'll Need
- Knowledge of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Understand Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. OCD is an anxiety disorder where the brain gets stuck on one particular task or thought, causing the child to feel that if it isn’t completed, something bad or life-threatening will happen. The child relieves this anxiety by completing the task or thought over and over again until the anxiety has been neutralized. OCD is often diagnosed in children aged seven to 12. The child may be embarrassed by his behavior and try to hide it from family and friends.
Understand obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are repeated impulses or thoughts that cause anxiety or distress to the child. To neutralize the anxiety, the child will either ignore the thoughts or replace them with another action, or a compulsion. An example is that a child washed his hands but is still worried there is dirt on them. The child will continue to wash his hands over and over again until he feels they are clean (anxiety being neutralized through the repeated behavior). In some younger children, the behavior will occur without the obsessive thoughts preceding it.
Try to understand the obsessions. Some obsessions may involve food. The child may feel as though he she can only eat certain foods and nothing else. A child may also have a fear of germs, dirt, contamination, or illness or have a need to have things symmetrical, in order, and precise. A child may have an obsession with lucky and unlucky numbers. These are just a few of the many obsessions a child with OCD may have.
Understand compulsions. Grooming rituals include brushing of teeth, showering, and washing of hands. Repeating rituals include flushing the toilet over and over again; checking to make sure an appliance is turned off; having the need to move through spaces in a particular way; or going in and out of doorways. A child may have counting rituals (i.e., having to say a number over and over) or cleaning rituals related to his home (i.e., the toilet seat has to be wiped down every time before sitting down on it). The child may hoard and collect things or order and arrange objects.
Recognizing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It is hard to recognize if your are child has OCD because he will suppress the thoughts until they can’t be contained any longer. Your child may ask you to engage in the ritual with him. If you don’t engage in the ritual, your child may throw a tantrum, show signs of worry, or exhibit other difficult behaviors. You can look for certain signs that might tell you if your child is suffering from OCD. These include but are not limited to high, unexplained utility bills; raw, chapped hands (due to constant washing); unusually high usage of soap or paper towels; hours of unproductive time spent doing homework; dramatic increase in laundry; or a continual fear that something bad will happen to the child or family member.
See a doctor. If you believe your child may have OCD, don’t hesitate to visit your health care provider. There are treatments available, including behavioral therapy and medications. Your child can’t control his thoughts so you, as the parent, need to intervene. Constantly remind your child how much you love him and how special he is!. You and your child can get through this! Don’t give up!