How to Self Test for OCD

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) may be related to depression and/or anxiety. When the world feels out of control, a desire to bring order to your own world may result in OCD. By organizing, checking and rechecking, collecting and repeating behavioral patterns, you feel that you gain control, if only in small ways.


    • 1

      Consider the regularity of distressing or upsetting thoughts. Note how often specific impulses or images are at the forefront of the mind. Jot down the frequency with which efforts to stop or ignore the thoughts.

    • 2

      Watch for repeated behaviors, like hand-washing, checking light switches, counting or re-arranging objects or amassing useless objects. Note any obsession with dirt or germs. Try to maintain a record of repeated behaviors.

    • 3

      Journal about any dread that results from efforts to stop repeated behaviors. Be specific about feelings that something terrible may happen.

    • 4

      Make a note of how much time repeated behaviors take up in the course of a day. Try to gauge if these behaviors interfere with productivity or normal routine. Detail the behavior's affect upon work, school and social life.

    • 5

      Keep a diary of eating and sleeping habits. Note any dramatic changes and its relationship to repeated behaviors or distressing thoughts.

    • 6

      Meet with a mental health professional to discuss depression, anxiety and the relationship with Obsession Compulsive Disorder. Discuss the disorder as an attempt to cope with other mental illness.

    • 7

      Discuss a program of behavior modification, counseling and medication to resolve the OCD and related issues. Keep a journal of progress and share it with the therapist.

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