How to Avoid Complications From Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Get out as often as possible and around friends in social situations. Having obsessive compulsive disorder often leads to complications such as social isolation, due to embarrassment over the symptoms. This isolation can then lead to depression. Force yourself to be around friends at least twice a week to avoid this unpleasant side effect.
Engage in a hobby several times a week. Hobbies are distracting and can take your mind off of your symptoms. Even if you can't ignore the symptoms completely, engaging in your favorite hobbies will still help you to feel normal and more relaxed. Relaxation can help you avoid complications such as a worsening of symptoms.
Get plenty of exercise. Exercise increases the levels of serotonin in your brain. Serotonin is a mood-boosting chemical that occurs naturally in your brain and the more of it you have, the fewer symptoms of OCD and its related side effects (such as depression and anxiety) you will have. Brisk exercise for at least half an hour four times a week is adequate.
Go about your daily business as if you did not have any symptoms of OCD. You may have to force yourself, due to embarrassment over your symptoms, but it's essential to form a habit of going out on errands daily in order to avoid developing agorophobia (fear of going out of your house) as a side effect of OCD.
Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night (8 is better) in order to avoid being susceptible to the depression and anxiety that can come with fatigue. Many people with OCD have trouble sleeping because they can't turn off their minds adequately. Medications can help with this, as can a hot bath or cup of chamomile tea before bed.
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