How to Cope With a Loved One With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Act as if you do not notice compulsive behaviors. That will help your loved one to feel less self-conscious about her condition and help her to cope with it better.
Avoid using any words or performing any actions that you know will set off a compulsive reaction if you are in your loved one's presence. Just as it is considered rude to eat cake in front of someone who is on a diet, it is also rude to do anything around your loved one that you know will make his symptoms worse.
Refrain from making it easy for your loved one to perform compulsive actions, but do so subtly. For example, if your loved one has a compulsion of washing his hands ten times in a row, move the soap or towel just far enough out of his reach (before he gets to the sink) so that it is difficult to get to. This will gradually discourage the compulsions.
Explain the condition to other members of the family, especially children. Other family members may not know about OCD and will not understand your loved one's seemingly bizarre behavior. Telling them what OCD is and what it does to a person will help them to be more compassionate around your loved one.
Monitor your loved one for any side effects from medication. The person taking the medication for OCD will not always be aware of side effects as they appear, and will rely on you to spot such effects so that a doctor can be notified. Most side effects can be corrected through an adjustment of the medication.
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