How to Spot Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms
Take note of unexplained muscle or bone pain.
Often this is confused with early rheumatoid arthritis or other conditions since vague pain of this sort can mean many things. Walk through the rest of the symptoms to see if Vitamin D deficiency is more likely than other things.
Pay attention to decreased energy and difficulty being motivated.
These classic signs of depression may be caused by a Vitamin D deficiency. 15 minutes of unscreened exposure to sun a day can dramatically increase the body's Vitamin D supplies and elevate mood considerable.
Watch children for signs of rickets.
Vitamin D deficiency can induce rickets in young children. This is characterized by delayed tooth appearance, bowed legs, difficulty standing or pulling up, and other malformed bone structures such as the skull or sternum. Any of these conditions should be reported to a physician for treatment options quickly.
Take note of possible causes of Vitamin D deficiency.
If you suspect Vitamin D deficiency symptoms are adding up, consider the possible causes to see if there is a link. Dairy allergies can be linked, living in a highly overcast climate, lack of sun exposure, lack of fruit and vegetables in diet, over age fifty with darker skin, celiac disease, or cystic fibrosis can all be related to Vitamin D deficiency. See a physician for blood tests and official diagnosis.
* See more tips on Vitamin D deficiency and treatment options below.