Why Does Boniva Have to Be Taken on an Empty Stomach?
Take Boniva the first thing in the morning on an empty stomach at least one hour before you eat or drink anything other than water. It is imperative that nothing interfere with the passage of the pill to the stomach to avoid esophageal irritation.
According to RxList, the pill must not be chewed to avoid the possibility of ulceration of the mouth and throat.
According to drugs.com, do not lie down or recline for at least an hour after taking Boniva. An empty stomach will lessen the chances of the medicine going back into the esophagus.
More Effects
Boniva interferes with the absorption of calcium and iron. According to medicinenet.com, it is most important to take only with plain water and avoid mineral water because of the added supplements.
To avoid possible interactions, do not take any other medications within the first hour after taking Boniva. This includes prescription and over-the-counter drugs.
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