Exercises for Osteoporosis Using Hand Weights
Exercise Prescription
Perform one exercise for each of the major muscle groups two to three times per week. Perform one to two sets of 10-15 repetitions per exercise. Rest one to two minutes in between each set. Begin each workout with a warm-up to prepare the body for exercise. Allow 48 hours of rest before exercising the same muscle groups. Move slowly and deliberately through exercises to prevent injury.
Strengthening using Hand Weights
Biceps curls to strengthen the biceps. Stand or sit with a weight in each hand and palms facing forward. Inhale and raise the forearms together or separately. Exhale and lower the arms. Repeat until the desired number of repetitions are complete.
Tricep kickbacks to strengthen the triceps. Stand behind and place one hand on a sturdy chair. With a weight in the opposite hand, and the hand by the side, bend slightly forward from the hips. Bend the arm with the weight to 90 degrees. Exhale and extend the forearm backward. Inhale and return the forearm to 90 degrees. Repeat this motion until the desired number of repetitions are complete.
Standing lateral raises to strengthen the deltoids. Stand with your back straight and your arms at your sides with a weight in each hand. Exhale and lift the arms out to the side. Inhale and return the arms to starting position. Repeat until the desired number of repetitions are complete.
Standing row to strengthen the muscles of the back. Stand with the legs slightly apart, one leg in front of the other. Place one hand on a sturdy chair in front of you. Bend forward slightly at the hips. Let the arm with the weight hang loosely down and in front of the body. Exhale and lift the upper arm, bending the elbow to bring the arm up by the side. Inhale and return to starting position.
Chest press to strengthen the muscles of the chest. Place an exercise mat or towel on the floor. Lie face up on the floor with the feet flat on the ground and knees bent. Grasp a weight in each hand. Extend the arms straight up with the hands shoulder width apart. Inhale and lower the arms to 90 degrees, or just before they touch the floor. Exhale and press, extending the arms back up without locking the elbows.
Lunges to strengthen the thigh muscles. Turn sideways and place one hand on the wall. Step one foot out in front of the other. While holding a weight in one hand, bend both knees. The legs should be far enough apart to ensure that the front and back leg both bend to 90 degrees. Perform the desired number of repetitions to fatigue the leg and then switch to work the opposite leg.