Prognosis of Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is rarely thought of as causing death, according to the University of Washington. Patients with hip fractures, often caused by osteoporosis, however, have a 12 percent to 24 percent one-year mortality rate.
Pain from osteoporosis only occurs after a bone breaks, according to the university. This condition may cause compression fractures in the spine, causing pain for up to two months.
Osteoporosis may cause broken bones and deformity that are debilitating. Wearing tight clothing can increase likelihood of disfigurement.
Some forms of osteoporosis can be cured, according to the University of Washington. The most common form of the disease, however, is caused by aging, and cannot be reversed.
Osteoporosis in women young enough to have children is rare, according to the university. The disease is often caused by some other condition, and a woman's ability to get pregnant would depend upon the underlying condition.