Strategies to Deal With Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis causes weakening in the bones, making them susceptible to breaks and fractures. The condition occurs when the bones lose their density over time from lack of calcium, exercise and Vitamin D. Developing a strategy for coping with osteoporosis can improve bone density and prevent fractures from the condition. Your doctor will develop a comprehensive approach to the treatment of osteoporosis that includes lifestyle changes and medication.-
Have a discussion with your doctor about the different medications that are used to treat osteoporosis. Biophosphonates prevent further breakdown of your bones and may increase your bone density. These medications may cause stomach problems and an inflammation of the esophagus. Discuss with your doctor if these are the appropriate medications for you.
You may be able to use medications that mimic the effect of estrogen on bone density without the dangers of hormone therapy. These medications may cause side effects such as hot flashes. These medications are only recommended for women with osteoporosis.
The type of medication that your doctor recommends for you will depend on your overall health and the extent of your osteoporosis.
Get a fitness assessment from your doctor before including any physical activity in your schedule. Exercise helps to improve the condition of your muscles, which will help support your bones. Many patients with osteoporosis believe that they should not participate in physical activity because of the increased risk of fractures, but a safe exercise program will actually help improve the condition.
Be sure you find exercise that is appropriate for your condition. Your doctor will assess your condition and determine what type of exercise is right for your degree of osteoporosis.
Most diet information describes foods that prevent the condition from occurring. Once you have been diagnosed with the condition, your diet becomes even more important in your strategy to cope with weakened bones.
A well-balanced diet should provide you with plenty of vitamins and minerals, but there are some things that you should make sure are included in your daily diet.
Calcium-rich foods such as low-fat milk and dairy products are a must on an osteoporosis diet. Get about a half a pint of milk every day for good bone health. Green leafy vegetables also contain calcium. Watch your intake of Vitamin A from sources other than vegetables. Too much Vitamin A may cause an increased risk of fractures and breaks in the bones.