High Risk Medications That Cause Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is caused by a variety of factors, including family history, menopause, lifestyle choices, and being thin, white, or Asian. Certain medications can also cause bone thinning.
Osteoporosis is often called the "silent disease" because most people are unaware they have bone loss until they break a bone. The symptoms of osteoporosis usually don't show up until after the age of 60.
Talk to your doctor about medications that can contribute to bone loss: corticosteroids, thyroid replacement medicines, anticonvulsants, some antidepressants, aluminum-based antacids, and chemotherapy drugs. It's important to learn about the risks and benefits of these drugs and how they impact your bones, then make informed decisions about using them.
If medications or other factors have caused your osteoporosis, there are ways to stop or slow its progression through lifestyle changes. A diet rich in calcium and Vitamin D is essential. It's also important to engage in weight-bearing exercise and to stop smoking and drinking alcohol and colas.
Don't stop taking a medication or change the dosage without first talking to your doctor. The best way to determine if you have bone loss is through a bone mineral density test.