Diet Plan For Osteoporosis in Men
Well-Balanced Diet
A well-balanced diet helps men in numerous ways and can provide the nutrition needed to treat osteoporosis. Stress and busy lifestyles often disrupt a balanced diet, but it is vital that you give your body the nutrients it needs to function optimally.
Plan a diet that contains lean sources of protein such as chicken and fish. Restrict your consumption of red meat to only one or two times a week to avoid trans fats. Choose low-fat dairy products for your healthy diet for osteoporosis and get plenty of complex carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables and whole grains. A diet that includes healthy, low-fat foods can also help you lose weight, which can help with mobility and exercise.
Calcium and Vitamin D
Calcium-rich foods and calcium supplements are recommended for men with osteoporosis. The recommended daily requirements for calcium increase as you get older. For men who are under 50, aim for 1,000mg of calcium per day. Men over 50 should include 1,200mg of calcium in their diet through foods and/or supplements. Low-fat milk and dairy products are good sources of calcium and contain vitamin D, which is also recommended for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in men. Calcium and vitamin D go hand in hand in preventing and treating osteoporosis, so intake 200 IU of vitamin D if you are under age 50 and 400 IU if you are over 50.
Choose non-dairy sources for calcium if you have lactose intolerance. Vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage are rich sources for calcium. Beans and grains also contain this important mineral. Include navy beans and white beans in your diet to get the recommended requirement for calcium. Other calcium-rich foods include tofu, instant oatmeal and fortified orange juice.
Healthy Habits
A lifetime of healthy habits is the best approach for preventing osteoporosis, but it may not be enough. Continue consuming a healthy diet even when you have a diagnosis of osteoporosis. A well-balanced diet with vitamin D and calcium along with regular exercise every day is the best treatment for the condition. When it comes to exercise, make sure you are engaging in some form of weight-bearing exercise, such as fast walking, weight lifting or hiking.
Osteoporosis in men may be the result of low testosterone levels. Medication and hormone-replacement therapy may be prescribed for the condition as well. A well-balanced diet can also help treat low testosterone levels; consult your physician. Exercise and weight lifting can also increase testosterone levels.