Alternatives to Osteoporosis Drugs

Osteoporosis is a condition when you bones become brittle and porous. As a result they are more likely to fracture and break under even mild stress, such as bending, coughing or doing simple household chores. One reason a person develops osteoporosis is a mineral deficiency, particularly of calcium and phosphorus. Treatments other than drug therapies can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle for years to come.
  1. Good Posture

    • Our spines our designed to withstand the stress of walking and other movements. If you do not have proper posture, you are increasing the stress on your spine. The result is possible stress fractures and pain.

    Prevent Falls

    • When you fall, your body weight combined with the force of the fall places extreme stress on your bones. This can lead to major fractures. Use shoes with non-slip soles and keep main walking paths clear of cords, rug corners or other items that may lead to a fall.


    • Exercise helps maintain and build strong bones. The Mayo Clinic states that regular exercise can also help prevent bone loss. Use strength training mixed with cardiovascular workouts to get the most benefit from exercise. This will also keep weight in check, lowering stress on bones.

    No Smoking

    • Eliminate smoking from your life entirely. Women are affected by osteoporosis more than man and one possible reason is that as women lose estrogen from menopause and activities such as smoking, their body is less capable of absorbing calcium.

    Limit Alcohol

    • Alcohol also reduces the ability of your body to absorb calcium. Do not consume more than two alcoholic drinks each day to maintain an ideal calcium absorption rate.

    Limit Caffeine

    • Caffeine may leach your body of calcium. Reduce the amount of soda, tea and coffee you consume to no more than two to three cups daily. Cola is particular has a tendency to not only block calcium but pull it out of your body.


    • Take both calcium and vitamin D to reduce your risk of osteoporosis. As you become older, your body does not absorb calcium as effectively and needs the extra calcium to maintain healthy bones. Vitamin D helps your body absorb the calcium that you take.

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