About Signs & Symptoms of Osteoporosis
Women over 50 years old are in the high-risk group for developing osteoporosis. A family history of osteoporosis increases the risk as well. Lifestyle habits of smoking, excessive alcohol intake, and a poor diet are risk factors. Avoid long-term use of medications like steroids, anticonvulsants and high doses of thyroid medications. People with hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and Cushing's disease need to be checked for osteoporosis on a regular basis.
Menopause triggers the drop in estrogen levels. Estrogen helps bones absorb calcium and is essential for women to build new bone tissue. The drop in estrogen levels occurs during or after menopause. Women who go through menopause early in life are especially vulnerable to osteoporosis since this mean that bone loss will occur for a longer period.
Calcium and Vitamin D
Limited calcium and vitamin D intake is the most preventable cause of osteoporosis. A diet lacking in calcium means that the body is not getting enough bone-building material. Vitamin D assists in the absorption of calcium. Without vitamin D bones do not reach their maximum density. Just 10 minutes of exposure to the sun will fulfill your daily allowance of vitamin D.
Silent Disease
Osteoporosis is often called the silent disease. This is because signs and symptoms of osteoporosis do not appear until it is too late. The first symptom that appears is commonly a broken bone. This is not a traumatic break but one that is caused by doing something in the normal daily routine of life. This could be a fractured wrist caused by twisting open a jar or a broken ankle from walking down the stairs.
Fractures and broken bones are the biggest symptom of osteoporosis. This includes spinal fractures that result in kyphosis (curvature of the spine) and is apparent by sudden back pain. X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is a special X-ray that measures the mineral content of your bones. It is an indication of bone density and strength. Women over the age of 65 or with a family history of osteoporosis should schedule routine DEXA exams.