How to Increase Bone Mass Naturally
Eating a healthy diet is essential to building and maintaining bone mass. Calcium rich foods such as milk, almonds and spinach can help strengthen bones and increase bone mass, according to, as can foods rich in vitamin D, including egg yolks, cod liver oil, milk and dairy products. Foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids and animal or plant-based protein, such as salmon, walnuts and lean chicken, can also help ensure you’re ingesting an adequate amount of vital minerals and nutrients needed for bone health, according to Ron Zernicke, Ph.D., director of the U-M Bone and Joint Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation Center at the University of Michigan. Drinking too many carbonated beverages or drinks that contain refined sugar may lead to a decrease in bone density, so they should be limited.
Weight Training Exercises
Regular weight-training exercise can help build and maintain bone mass, according to Doing weight-bearing and weight-training exercises at least three days per week at a moderate intensity level is best. Start with a weight you are comfortable with, even if that’s only 5 pounds. Talk with your doctor to make sure you’re healthy enough to start a new exercise plan or alter you current plan. Your doctor may have suggestions on exercises that could benefit you as well.
Resistance Exercises
Practicing yoga or using resistance bands may improve bone mass and density, especially if performed in combination with weight-training exercises. For some people, exercises like yoga and resistance band exercises can help build enough strength to be successful with more strenuous weight-training exercises.
See Your Doctor
Having your bone density checked as recommended by your physician can help you avoid serious complications, such as osteoporosis, as you age by changing your diet or exercise routine accordingly. While women are more likely to develop osteoporosis than men, according to, diminished bone mass can leave you more prone to broken bones and fractures.