Ibandronic Acid Side Effects
Common Side Effects
Approximately 5.3 to 7.8 percent of Boniva users report indigestion, an increase in blood pressure levels and abdominal pain, making these the most common side effects of the drug. Nausea, diarrhea, and joint pain are also common, occurring in at least 3.5 percent of users. More than 3 percent of women who take ibandronic acid experience back pain, headache, and inflammation of the throat.
Other Side Effects
Ibandronic acid also has the potential to cause a number of other troublesome or annoying, but not dangerous, side effects. For instance, some women reported the additional gastrointestinal symptoms of constipation, while others experienced dizziness, rash, and flu-like symptoms. Some women experience musculoskeletal side effects from the drug, such as muscle pain and cramping and pain in the extremities. Boniva also increases the incidence of some infections, such as bronchitis and urinary tract infections.
Drug Interactions
There are some medications which produce unwanted side effects when used in conjunction with ibandronic acid. Calcium supplements are commonly taken by postmenopausal women to help prevent osteoporosis; however, you should discontinue use of such supplements while taking Boniva as calcium often decreases the effectiveness of the drug. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Tylenol and aspirin should be used only in moderation while taking ibandronic acid to avoid an increase in gastrointestinal side effects.
In addition to minor side effects and the risk of interactions, ibandronic acid has the potential to cause serious medical complications. Amongst these is the danger of serious gastrointestinal side effects, including difficulty swallowing, stomach ulcers, and inflammation of the esophagus. In rare instances, ibandronic acid causes osteoarthritis in some joints, leading to joint damage and pain. Over time, Boniva may also contribute to osteonecrosis in the jaw, a serious condition that leads to the death and collapse of the jaw bone.
Doctors typically do not prescribe Boniva to people undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatments or taking corticosteroids, as there is a greater risk for the development of osteonecrosis in such patients. Doctors also limit the use of ibandronic acid in patients who have impaired kidney function because, without proper urination, levels of Boniva can build up in the body and become toxic. To decrease the risk of developing serious gastrointestinal conditions, you should swallow Boniva tablets whole without chewing or sucking.