Hip Bone Exercises
Jumping Exercises
In a study released in 'The Journals of Gerontology,' women who performed jumping exercises such as jump rope or jumping jacks while wearing weighted vests showed significantly less loss of bone mass in the hip region than women in a control group who did not attempt the exercises.
According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Sciences, walking is the best exercise to prevent loss of bone mass in the hips. This is because walking is a low-impact exercise that is approachable from all fitness levels. It may be done anywhere at any time without purchasing fancy equipment.
Tai Chi
Tai Chi is Chinese exercise system that has been used for meditation, relaxation and health for many years. In May of 2007, the journal 'Archive Physical Medicine Rehabilitation' published a study stating that postmenopausal women who practiced Tai Chi on a regular basis showed a lessening in the rate of bone loss versus a control group of women who did not practice Tai Chi. The women who practiced Tai Chi for several years salso howed more dense bone than women who did not.
According to the website Osteopenia3.com, Tai Chi is an excellent system of exercise to prevent bone loss because the exercise also promotes balance and reduces falls. Additionally, women who practiced Tai Chi on a regular basis adhered to their fitness program more rigorously than women who used a system of weight training to maintain bone density.