Symptoms of Osteoporosis of the Jaw

When you hear the word osteoporosis, you may think that it is just a disease that affects the back. While osteoporosis is more common in the vertebra or spinal column, it can affect other bones in the body as well. If you have osteoporosis you are at a higher risk of breaking a bone in the hip or wrist if you fall. In addition osteoporosis can affect the bones in the jaw. Learning to recognize the symptoms can help you to get treatment as soon as possible to minimize the symptoms of this condition.
  1. Lack of Symptoms

    • Osteoporosis is known as a silent disease. Especially in the initial stages you may have no symptoms at all. This is why it is important to be tested for osteoporosis.


    • According to the American Dental Association, certain dental changes can indicate the presence of osteoporosis, even in the early stages. Your dentist can take x-rays which can show a decrease in the density of the jaw bone as well as the bone around the teeth.

    Initial Symptoms

    • In the early stages as your jaw bones lose density, you are more susceptible to periodontal bacteria, increasing the risk for periodontitis. This may cause your gums to become red, swollen and they may bleed easily.

    Classic Symptoms

    • You may have osteoporosis in the jaw if you notice your teeth becoming loose or you see the gums receding or detaching from the teeth. Another symptom is that your dentures may start to feel loose.

    Progressive Symptoms

    • If your jaw osteoporosis continues untreated you may develop mouth sores. This can lead to problems wearing dentures, speaking and eating.

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