Symptoms of Osteoporosis in Women
Osteoporosis may be present for many years before it is detected. Early fractures may go unnoticed for decades. Fractures most often occur in the vertebra, the wrist, the hip and the spine. Also present may be stress fractures, compression fracture, and bones that are easily and frequently broken.
Pain and Muscle Aches
Pain from an actual fracture, a break or other complications may indicate osteoporosis. Leg cramps (especially at night), neck pain, and any persistent pain may indicate osteoporosis. Pain may also occur in the stomach or ribs.
In osteoporosis, a curved back, also referred to a a dowager's hump, may be present. Loss of height and a stooped posture can occur.
Swelling and joint pain thought to be arthritis can actually be osteoporosis.
Visual signs
Tooth loss, periodontal disease and brittle fingernails may be a clear indication of osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis may bring on extreme fatigue. Contrarily, exercise and movement helps build bone and should be encouraged.