How to Reduce Osteoporosis Risks
Osteoporosis is a disease that causes bones to weaken over time. It tends to affect women more than men and can lead to bone fractures primarily in the hips, spine and wrists. Building healthy bones before the age of 30 is the best defense against the condition. But even if you're over 30, there are still steps you can take to reduce your risks of developing this debilitating condition.Instructions
Get adequate amounts of Vitamin D and calcium in your daily diet. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and studies indicate that adults need 1200 to 1500 milligrams of calcium daily depending on their age.
Exercise regularly and focus on weight bearing exercises. Brisk walking, dancing and climbing stairs are all good examples. A good exercise routine will help maintain bone health and reduce risks for a number of other conditions as well.
Talk to your doctor to discuss hormone replacement therapy if you're a woman going through menopause. Estrogen therapy can have side effects, so be sure to discuss all your options before beginning a treatment program.
Check your family history for osteoporosis as genetics are a major risk factor with this condition. If there is a history, talk to your doctor about prevention therapy to help reduce your chances of developing the disease.
Stop smoking. Maintaining bone health is just one of many reasons why you shouldn't smoke. And if you don't smoke - don't start.