Common Causes of Knee Problems
Baker's Cyst
Baker's cyst cause knee pain. A Baker's cyst or popliteal cyst forms when a sac of fluid lined with membranes forms behind the knee. This sac may be easily observed as a bulge when the person with Baker's cyst is standing. By far, the most common cause of a Baker's cyst is advanced osteoarthritis. Symptoms of Baker's cysts include pain or discomfort behind the knee. There may also be some swelling or redness and difficulty in bending the knee. In some rare cases, a Baker's cyst may rupture, leading to acute pain behind the knee. Treatment of Baker's cyst includes identifying its underlying cause such as osteoarthritis and surgery to repair torn cartilage.
Runner's Knee
Runner's knee is common among runners. Runner's knee is also known as anterior knee pain syndrome or patellofemoral stress syndrome. It is the most common cause of knee pain and is called runner's knee because it is most common among runners. This condition causes pain behind or around the kneecap and is believed to be mainly caused by poor kneecap tracking. Poor kneecap tracking occurs when the kneecap is pulled out of alignment to the left or right, causing the cartilage underneath the kneecap to be irritated during motion. The treatment for runner's knee includes the use of braces and types of surgical athroscopy and lateral retinacular release.
Osteoarthritis of the Knee
Osteoarthritis causes the cartilage between the bones to wear away. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease which causes the cartilage between the bones to wear away. Osteoarthritis is a common form of arthritis, which can afflict any joint in the body. This disease is more common among older and overweight people. Osteoarthritis of the knee causes pain, which intensifies with any physical activity that involves moving. This pain from this condition can be managed with physical therapy, medication like ibuprofen and aspirin products. It also helps to put ice on the knee.