How Do I Reverse the Signs of Osteoporosis Naturally?
Consume enough calcium in your diet to prevent and reverse the signs of osteoporosis--at least 1,000 mg a day if you are under age 50, and 1,200 mg if you are older. Calcium-rich foods include dairy products such as low-fat yogurt, cheese and milk, as well as beans and dark leafy greens. Also look for cereals, breads and juices that have been fortified with the mineral. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, but it's often difficult for adults to get enough of it, according to the Colorado State University Extension, which recommends that elderly people take supplements of up to 1,000 IU a day of vitamin D3.
Exercise can increase bone strength and reverse the signs of osteoporosis naturally. Weight-bearing exercises--those that require the body to move against gravity--such as walking, dancing or skiing, improve overall health and strengthen bones. Additionally, strength training with weights increases bone mass. While any exercise is beneficial, you should set a target goal for four days a week at 30 minutes a day.
Quit smoking and avoid drinking alcohol in excess. They reduce the blood supply to bones and prohibit bone-forming cells from developing. The Mayo Clinic suggests limiting alcohol to two drinks per day.