Causes of Osteoporosis in Women Over 50
Osteoporosis is a disease that can affect men and woman. However, this disease can affect women more than men because while men's bones continue growing until they are 30, women's bones reach their highest density by age 20 to 24. Then, because of menopause and the lessening of estrogen in their bodies, their bones begin to lose their denseness. While this is but one cause of osteoporosis, women over 50 should be aware of other causes.-
Lack of Calcium
Calcium is something that your body needs to help build bones. When you do not have enough calcium, especially after 50, then your body and its tissues suffer. This can hasten the onset of osteoporosis in women.
Being Confined to Bed
Lack of mobility can cause osteoporosis, especially when you are a woman over 50. This is because, according to Merck, when a body moves and goes under stress, the "the body responds by forming more bone." When health problems confine a woman to a bed, then her body is no longer able to regrow bone because it is not undergoing any physical activity.
There is a link between osteoporosis and smoking. Smoking can bring on earlier menopause, which causes osteoporosis. Smoking can also mean that your body will produce less estrogen, which the body needs to maintain bone density. Smoking can also make you thinner, which weakens your bones and makes you more prone to fractures. This also means that you will take longer to heal.
Hyperthyroidism can cause osteoporosis in women over 50. This is because hyperthyroidism is, by definition, on over-active thyroid. When the thyroid is over-active or when too much medication is prescribed in an effort to combat the disease can lessen bone density, causing osteoporosis..