Activities to Avoid With Heal Spurs
Heel spurs can be caused and worsened by standing up for long periods of time. Avoid being on your feet for too long each day. If your job requires you to stand, take breaks to sit down and get off your feet. Also, consider buying shoes with sufficient arch support that are also cushioned and flexible when you walk. Stretching your calf muscles before and while you stand will also help lessen the pain of heel spurs.
Sports that require the player to bounce on the balls of the foot can cause heel spurs and make them worse, and should be avoided. Some of these sports include gymnastics, sprinting, volleyball and jumping rope. You should take a break from the sport until the heel spur pain subsides. In the meantime, stretch your arch and calf muscles, and ice the affected area. If you want to keep working out, consider doing upper body exercises, such as lifting weights or swimming.
Doing almost any kind of workout before you've stretched and properly warmed up can be harmful and painful to those with heel spurs. This tends to be especially problematic when it's cold outside. Running or even walking in this condition can increase heel spur pain. Always stretch before working out, with movements that include standing on a curb or step and lowering your heels.
While avoiding certain activities will help ease heel spur pain, there are a few treatments you can do to help the healing process. Stretch your calf muscles throughout the day, even after sitting for long periods of time. Ice your heel after physical activities. Wear shoes that have proper arch support and that are flexible and cushioned. Also, try losing some weight. Carrying extra pounds will put extra tension on your heel spurs.