Types of Foot Braces
Accommodative Foot Orthoses
Accommodative foot orthoses are designed to give comfort to damaged areas on the bottom of the foot. They are made from a large range of materials, such as cork, leather, plastic, foam and rubber. They are more flexible and softer than functional foot orthoses. These orthoses are created by using a three-dimensional model of the foot either by taking a plaster mold of the foot, stepping into a box of compressible foam or scanning the foot with a mechanical or optical scanner.
Functional Foot Orthoses
Functional foot orthoses are used to correct abnormalities in foot function. They are made of semi-rigid, rigid plastic or graphite materials. They are thinner than accommodative foot othoses and can fit inside shoes. They also are made from a three-dimensional model of the foot the same way as the accommodative foot orthoses. Functional foot orthoses treat toe joint pain, arch and instep pain, ankle and heel pain. Pain in the foot also causes abnormal leg, knee and hip function. So, functional foot orthoses also treat tendonitis, bursitis conditions and shin splints.
Ankle Foot Orthoses
Ankle foot orthoses, also known as AFOs, treat a condition known as dropfoot. Dropfoot occurs when you have a limited or total loss of ability to raise the foot at the ankle joint. Because of this disability, the toes of the foot drag along the ground and the foot cannot be raised properly. There are numerous types of ankle foot orthoses. The type a doctor or therapist uses depends on your individual case. There are short leg fixed AFOs, dorsiflexion assist short leg AFOs, solid ankle AFOs (with or without posterior stop) which are available with dorsiflexion assist, full leg posterior leaf spring AFOs and energy return AFOs.