How do you finish off a massage?

Here is a standard massage routine that helps round off a session:

1. Effleurage (Swedish massage): Begin by applying light, flowing strokes to the area you've been working on. This helps to spread the oil or lotion evenly and warm up the muscles.

2. Petrissage (Swedish massage): Use kneading and squeezing techniques to work out any remaining tension in the muscles.

3. Friction (Swedish massage): Use small, circular movements to focus on specific areas of tension.

4. Tapotement (Swedish massage): Use tapping or percussive techniques to stimulate the muscles and promote relaxation.

5. Vibration (Swedish massage): Use your hands or a massage tool to create vibrations that help relax and soothe the muscles.

6. Shaking (Swedish massage): Gently shake the limbs or body part to help release tension.

7. Stretching: Follow up with some gentle stretches to help lengthen the muscles and improve flexibility.

8. Application of heat or cold therapy: If appropriate, you can apply heat or cold therapy to the area you've been working on to help reduce inflammation and promote healing.

9. Rest: Allow the client to rest for a few minutes to allow the body to absorb the benefits of the massage.

10. Aftercare instructions: Provide any necessary aftercare instructions, such as drinking plenty of water and avoiding strenuous activity.

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