Instructions for a Bedpan
Things You'll Need
- Waterproof pad
- Baby powder
- Hand soap
- Bedpan
- Disposable gloves
- Towels
- Toilet paper
- Washcloths
- Disinfectant soap
Close the doors and cover the windows to give the patient some privacy.
Place a waterproof pad beneath the buttocks of the patient who will be using the bedpan. This will keep the bedding dry and unsoiled. The patient might need to be turned on his side or lifted up, if he is unable to move on his own.
Move the patient's hospital gown or pajama bottoms out of the way.
Sprinkle baby powder on the edge of the bed pan basin to make it easier to slide the basin beneath the patient.
Wash your hands with hand soap and put on disposable gloves.
Support the lower back of the patient with one hand, while placing the curved edge of the bedpan beneath the patient with the other hand.
Leave the patient in privacy for a couple of minutes, if requested to do so. Do not leave someone alone who is weak or severely injured.
Ask the patient to raise up, if they are able to, so you can slide the bedpan back out from under them. Otherwise, you will need to roll the patient to the side and slide the bedpan out.
Set the bedpan on a chair or on the floor and cover it with a towel.
Roll the patient to the side or have them move to the side so you can gently clean the buttocks with toilet paper. For females, you will also need to gently wipe the genital area, using a separate piece of toilet paper.
Wet a washcloth with warm water and wash the patient's buttocks and/or genital area, if necessary. Use a gentle soap if the patient's skin is especially soiled or odorous.
Dry the areas you just washed by dabbing the area with a towel. If you spot redness or soreness, be sure to alert the patient's doctor or caregiver.
Help the patient fix their pajamas or hospital gown back to the original position.
Dab a towel in warm water and apply a squirt of soap. Give this to the patient so they can wash their hands with it.
Empty the used bedpan in a toilet.
Rinse out the bedpan with disinfectant soap and hot water.
Remove the plastic gloves and wash your hands with hand soap thoroughly.
Discard the gloves in the designated receptacle, if there is one. Otherwise, you will want to be sure to dispose of the gloves somewhere where the odor will not fester.